To be or not be an Entrepreneur is what you always know. Just in case, you think you are a confused soul and you aren’t sure whether you have characteristics to be an Entrepreneur, do a “Salt is Salty” test. Seriously, there isn’t any process yet. Just look inside and feel the “fire” that you have in your belly, evaluate the urge that you have to impact a society by bringing a change, reckon your belief which could push a mankind a step further and above all you have a dream which gets stronger with every single day. By now, you have enough reasons to consider being an entrepreneur.
I don’t look entrepreneurship as a “Role” as it is not always about you owning a startup or joining a startup but it’s all about the “mother of all thought processes”. You could be an entrepreneur in your Job, at your organization, in your team or possibly may be for anything meaningful anywhere. The point that I want you drive home is that “Fire in your Belly” gives you enough elements of Leadership capabilities to bring the best of accountability for something which you firmly believe in and hence giving you all the right ingredients to almost create a perfect dish. You would suddenly see a rush of adrenaline for all the things which you think really matter.
The only thing that I wanted to mention in this blog was about my experiences so far being an Entrepreneur. Like anyone else I was born with similar characteristics but I think there was one changing moment in my life which created enough fire in my Belly (yes, I do have large Belly 😉) to be an Entrepreneur. The moment was “Y-Moment”. Though little early, but I set myself full-on “Quest of my Life” and trying to find my purpose. Whatever may be the purpose, but something which I was very clear with was – “I need to be my own”, later only to realize that I have been thinking of been an Entrepreneur all the while.
As a characteristics of an Entrepreneur, you would have one or combinations of situations below:
- Fire within Your Belly : You have a very strong desire to do something which you believe in and you could clearly envision a problem to which you are providing a solution
- Willing to Bring Change : Like everyone else, you are leading a Life too but there’s something which is really bothering you; enough to be motivate to lead the change alone
- X-preneurs : You have a clear, inspiring role model in your family who have been entrepreneur themselves and you continue the Legacy
- Least of kind but By Creative Accidents : You were fired from your Job, and you have nothing interesting to do or still better at your Job you did had a breakthrough solution in which you believed and your boss turned your solution down – you ended up starting to really implement the solution
Whether you are working for someone, or you have your own startup or you are running a successful enterprise, you could be an entrepreneur in your own way – successfully dealing with uncertainties.
[…] SME : Small, Medium enterprise not Entrepreneurs Share When you drill down into the Business landscape of India, you would see approx 30 Million MSME Businesses. They employs the largest chunk of our population and thus germinates a seed for leadership, direction and community which we are proud as a country for been the fountain head for Innovation in various industry sectors. Now of this 30 Million MSME Businesses, more than 70% of businesses are Small Businesses owners and what I see as trend as misunderstanding where such owners call themselves as an Entrepreneur. […]