Two prominent pillars of design thinking are the abilities for systemic reasoning and intuition. The former helps in breaking the complexity of a problem and when combined with latter it helps in visualizing the ideal future state.

Customers lie at the focal point of design thinking. However, the beauty lies in possessing intuition for the way the ecosystem will evolve vis-a-vis action of the stakeholders.

As simple as it may sound but, it requires going beyond the comfort zone. Things become more complicated when time itself is inflicted with a crisis or a pandemic.

That’s where the organizations are in haste to either shift to an entrepreneurial style of working or hiring team members with an entrepreneurial mindset. Of all the teams or groups or departments, it’s marketing & management where the need for such individuals is most.

The problem with such shifts for the large and medium organizations is the return on investment falling below the cost of capital.

That’s where we can help as an independent team. Reach out to us to know, How?