VUCA is an acronym that was first used in 1987 to stress the importance of resilient leadership. It’s only in 2002 when the acronym started being used and discussed frequently. Thereafter, it got widely associated with strategic leadership in almost everything.
VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous. These are the #context in which the current and future state of anything needs to be visualized.
VUCA calls for a leadership response which was coined as VUCA 2.0 by Bill George- Fellow at HBS.
VUCA 2.0 stands for Vision, Understanding, Courage, Adaptability.
Since we have been hearing & talking about the impending VUCA for years, the COVID pandemic shouldn’t come as surprisingly new.
Though, there is a reason why the pandemic came as a big eye-opener for everyone and why VUCA as a concept is being widely discussed once again. Can you guess the reason?
Do you know how to analyze VUCA to devise the right strategies for your business?
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